
References in Ponzu allow you to create relationships between your Content types. Ponzu uses an embedded database, rather than a more traditional relational database with SQL support. This may seem unnatural since there is no native concept of "foreign keys" or "joins" like you may be used to. Instead, Ponzu wires up your data using references, which are simply URL paths, like /api/content?type=Post&id=1

A foreign key as a URL path?! Am I crazy? No! For the purpose Ponzu serves, this structure works quite well, especially given its creation was specifically tuned for HTTP/2 features such as "Request/Response Multiplexing" and "Server Push."

There is a deeper dive into the HTTP/2 concepts below, but first we'll walk through a quick tutorial on Ponzu's references.

To generate references from the CLI, please read through the documentation. The example below assumes you understand the syntax.

Create Your Content Types

Here we are creating two Content types, Author and Book. A Book will keep a reference to an Author in the sense that an author wrote the book.

$ ponzu gen c author name:string photo:string:file bio:string:textarea
$ ponzu gen c book title:string author:@author,name pages:int year:int

The structs generated for each look like:


type Author struct {

    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Photo string `json:"photo"`
    Bio   string `json:"bio"`


type Book struct {

    Title  string `json:"title"`
    Author string `json:"author"`
    Pages  int    `json:"pages"`
    Year   int    `json:"year"`

Notice how the Author field within the Book struct is a string type, not an Author type. This is because the Author is stored as a string in our database, as a reference to the Author, instead of embedding the Author data inside the Book.

Some example JSON data for the two structs looks like:

GET /api/content?type=Author&id=1 (Author)

    "data": [
            "uuid": "024a5797-e064-4ee0-abe3-415cb6d3ed18",
            "id": 1,
            "slug": "item-id-024a5797-e064-4ee0-abe3-415cb6d3ed18",
            "timestamp": 1493926453826,
            "updated": 1493926453826,
            "name": "Shel Silverstein",
            "photo": "/api/uploads/2017/05/shel-silverstein.jpg",
            "bio": "Sheldon Allan Silverstein was an American poet..."

GET /api/content?type=Book&id=1 (Book)

    "data": [
            "uuid": "024a5797-e064-4ee0-abe3-415cb6d3ed18",
            "id": 1,
            "slug": "item-id-024a5797-e064-4ee0-abe3-415cb6d3ed18",
            "timestamp": 1493926453826,
            "updated": 1493926453826,
            "title": "The Giving Tree",
            "author": "/api/content?type=Author&id=1",
            "pages": 57,
            "year": 1964

As you can see, the Author is a reference as the author field in the JSON response for a Book. When you're building your client, you need to make a second request for the Author, to the URL path found in the author field of the Book response.

For example, in pseudo-code:

# Request 1: 
$book = GET /api/content?type=Book&id=1

# Request 2: 
$author = GET $book.author # where author = /api/content?type=Author&id=1

Until recently, this would be considered bad practice and would be costly to do over HTTP. However, with the wide availability of HTTP/2 clients, including all modern web browsers, mobile devices, and HTTP/2 libraries in practically every programming language, this pattern is fast and scalable.

Designed For HTTP/2

At this point, you've likely noticed that you're still making two independent HTTP requests to your Ponzu server. Further, if there are multiple references or more than one item, you'll be making many requests -- how can that be efficient?

There are two main concepts at play: Request/Response Multiplexing and Server Push.

Request/Response Multiplexing

With HTTP/2, a client and server (peers) transfer data over a single TCP connection, and can send data back and forth at the same time. No longer does a request need to wait to be sent until after an expected response is read. This means that HTTP requests can be sent much faster and at the same time on a single connection. Where previously, a client would open up several TCP connections, the re-use of a single connection reduces CPU overhead and makes the server more efficient.

This feature is automatically provided to you when using HTTP/2 - the only requirement is that you connect via HTTPS and have active TLS certificates, which you can get for free by running Ponzu with the --https flag and configuring it with a properly set, active domain name of your own.

Server Push

Another impactful feature of HTTP/2 is "Server Push": the ability to preemptively send a response from the server to a client without waiting for a request. This is where Ponzu's reference design really shows it's power. Let's revisit the example from above:

# Request 1: 
$book = GET /api/content?type=Book&id=1

# Request 2: 
$author = GET $book.author # where author = /api/content?type=Author&id=1

Instead of waiting for the server to respond with the data for $book.author, the response data is already in the client's cache before we even make the request! Now there is no round-trip made to the server and back, and the client reads the pushed response from cache in fractions of a millisecond.

But, how does the server know which response to push and when? You'll need to specify which fields of the type you've requested should be pushed. This is done by implementing the item.Pushable interface. See the example below which demonstrates a complete implementation on the Book struct, which has a reference to an Author.



type Book struct {

    Title  string `json:"title"`
    Author string `json:"author"`
    Pages  int    `json:"pages"`
    Year   int    `json:"year"`

func (b *Book) Push(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) ([]string, error) {
    return []string{
        // the json struct tag is used to tell the server which
        // field(s) it should push - only URL paths originating
        // from your server can be pushed!
    }, nil

Now, whenever a single Book is requested, the server will preemptively push the Author referenced by the book. The response for the Author will already be on the client and will remain there until a request for the referenced Author has been made.

What else can I Push?

Only fields that are URL paths originating from your server can be pushed. This means that you could also implement item.Pushable on the Author type, and return []string{"photo"}, nil to push the Author's image!

Other Considerations

HTTP/2 Server Push is a powerful feature, but it can be abused just like anything else. To try and help mitigate potential issues, Ponzu has put some "stop-gaps" in place. Server Push is only activated on single item API responses, so you shouldn't expect to see references or files pushed from the /api/contents endpoint. An exception to this is the /api/search endpoint, which only the first result is pushed (if applicable) no matter how many items are in the response.

You should take advantage of HTTP/2 in Ponzu and get the most out of the system. With the automatic HTTPS feature, there is no reason not to and you gain the additional benefit of encrypting your traffic - which your users will appreciate!