General Usage

$ ponzu [flags] command <params>



Creates a project directory of the name supplied as a parameter immediately following the 'new' option in the $GOPATH/src directory. Note: 'new' depends on the program 'git' and possibly a network connection. If there is no local repository to clone from at the local machine's $GOPATH, 'new' will attempt to clone the '' package from over the network.


$ ponzu new
> New ponzu project created at $GOPATH/src/

generate, gen, g

Generate boilerplate code for various Ponzu components, such as content.


            generator      struct fields and built-in types...
             |              |
             v              v    
$ ponzu gen content review title:"string" body:"string":richtext rating:"int"
                     ^                                   ^
                     |                                   |
                    struct type                         (optional) input view specifier

The command above will generate the file content/review.go with boilerplate methods, as well as struct definition, and corresponding field tags like:

type Review struct {

    Title  string   `json:"title"`
    Body   string   `json:"body"`
    Rating int      `json:"rating"`
    Tags   []string `json:"tags"`

The generate command will intelligently parse more sophisticated field names such as 'field_name' and convert it to 'FieldName' and vice versa, only where appropriate as per common Go idioms. Errors will be reported, but successful generate commands return nothing.

Input View Specifiers (optional)

The CLI can optionally parse a third parameter on the fields provided to generate the type of HTML view an editor field is presented within. If no third parameter is added, a plain text HTML input will be generated. In the example above, the argument shown as body:string:richtext would show the Richtext input instead of a plain text HTML input (as shown in the screenshot). The following input view specifiers are implemented:

CLI parameter Generates
checkbox editor.Checkbox()
custom generates a pre-styled empty div to fill with HTML
file editor.File()
hidden editor.Input() + uses type=hidden
input, text editor.Input()
richtext editor.Richtext()
select editor.Select()
textarea editor.Textarea()
tags editor.Tags()

Generate Content References

It's also possible to generate all of the code needed to create references between your content types. The syntax to do so is below, but refer to the documentation for more details:

$ ponzu gen c author name:string genre:string:select
$ ponzu gen c book title:string author:@author,name,genre 

The commands above will generate a Book Content type with a reference to an Author item, by also generating a reference.Select as the view for the author field.


From within your Ponzu project directory, running build will copy and move the necessary files from your workspace into the vendored directory, and will build/compile the project to then be run.

Optional flags: - --gocmd sets the binary used when executing go build within ponzu build step


$ ponzu build
$ ponzu build --gocmd=go1.8rc1 # useful for testing

Errors will be reported, but successful build commands return nothing.


Starts the HTTP server for the JSON API, Admin System, or both. The segments, separated by a comma, describe which services to start, either 'admin' (Admin System / CMS backend) or 'api' (JSON API), and, optionally, if the server should utilize TLS encryption - served over HTTPS, which is automatically managed using Let's Encrypt (

Optional flags:

  • --bind sets the address for ponzu to bind the HTTP(S) server
  • --port sets the port on which the server listens for HTTP requests [defaults to 8080]
  • --https-port sets the port on which the server listens for HTTPS requests [defaults to 443]
  • --https enables auto HTTPS management via Let's Encrypt (port is always 443)
  • --dev-https generates self-signed SSL certificates for development-only (port is 10443)
  • --docs runs a local documentation server in case of no network connection
  • --docs-port sets the port on which the docs server listens for HTTP requests [defaults to 1234]


$ ponzu run
$ ponzu run --bind=
$ ponzu run --port=8080 --https admin,api
$ ponzu run admin
$ ponzu run --port=8888 api
$ ponzu run --dev-https

Defaults to $ ponzu run --port=8080 admin,api (running Admin & API on port 8080, without TLS)

Note: Admin and API cannot run on separate processes unless you use a copy of the database, since the first process to open it receives a lock. If you intend to run the Admin and API on separate processes, you must call them with the 'ponzu' command independently.


Will backup your own custom project code (like content, addons, uploads, etc) so we can safely re-clone Ponzu from the latest version you have or from the network if necessary. Before running $ ponzu upgrade, you should update the ponzu package by running $ go get -u


$ ponzu upgrade

add, a

Downloads an addon to GOPATH/src and copies it to the current Ponzu project's /addons directory.


$ ponzu add

Errors will be reported, but successful add commands return nothing.

version, v

Prints the version of Ponzu your project is using. Must be called from within a Ponzu project directory. By passing the --cli flag, the version command will print the version of the Ponzu CLI you have installed.


$ ponzu version
Ponzu v0.8.2
# (or)
$ ponzu version --cli
Ponzu v0.9.2


  1. Checkout branch ponzu-dev
  2. Make code changes
  3. Test changes to ponzu-dev branch
    • make a commit to ponzu-dev
    • to manually test, you will need to use a new copy (ponzu new path/to/code), but pass the --dev flag so that ponzu generates a new copy from the ponzu-dev branch, not master by default (i.e. $ponzu new --dev /path/to/code)
    • build and run with $ ponzu build and $ ponzu run
  4. To add back to master:
    • first push to origin ponzu-dev
    • create a pull request
    • will then be merged into master

A typical contribution workflow might look like:

# clone the repository and checkout ponzu-dev
$ git clone path/to/local/ponzu # (or your fork)
$ git checkout ponzu-dev

# install ponzu with go get or from your own local path
$ go get
# or
$ cd /path/to/local/ponzu 
$ go install ./...

# edit files, add features, etc
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m 'edited files, added features, etc'

# now you need to test the feature.. make a new ponzu project, but pass --dev flag
$ ponzu --dev new /path/to/new/project # will create $GOPATH/src/path/to/new/project

# build & run ponzu from the new project directory
$ cd /path/to/new/project
$ ponzu build && ponzu run

# push to your origin:ponzu-dev branch and create a PR at ponzu-cms/ponzu
$ git push origin ponzu-dev
# ... go to and create a PR

Note: if you intend to work on your own fork and contribute from it, you will need to also pass --fork=path/to/your/fork (using OS-standard filepath structure), where path/to/your/fork must be within $GOPATH/src, and you are working from a branch called ponzu-dev.

For example:

# ($GOPATH/src is implied in the fork path, do not add it yourself)
$ ponzu new --dev /path/to/new/project